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Emsella Chair, Muscle building, build back muscles.

Are you fed up with bladder leakage
and incontinence?

We have the solution, A Cutting Edge
New Technology which builds all your pelvic floor muscles in 6 to 8 sessions 

No insane workouts
No pain or downtime

Non Invasive & FDA approved

Today is the day to take the control back.

Get on the path to freedom again, no more stressing with loss of bladder control.  Build your pelvic floor muscles and core muscles back strong, you will be amazed at how many issues are resolved with a strong pelvic floor. 



Available By Appointment Only 

Located in Loveland, CO

Scheduling Offered

M/W/F 9am - 5pm

T/Th 12noon - 6pm

2024 Copyright of A Tailored Look LLC 

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